Siaran Pers : Demi Keselamatan Rakyat Dari Covid-19, Stop Proyek PLTU Cirebon 2

Press Release English Version

BANDUNG. Proyek pembangunan konstruksi PLTU batu bara Cirebon 2 tetap berlanjut, walau banyak pekerjanya positif terinfeksi virus Corona atau Covid-19. Alih-alih merasa prihatin, pihak pemrakarsa proyek, yaitu PT.Cirebon Energi Prasarana ( CEPR ) malah mensyukuri proses pengerjaan proyek tidak berhenti dan masih berjalan lancar.

Seperti yang sudah tersebar luas di media massa dan publik sebanyak 69 pekerja proyek PLTU batu bara Cirebon 2 terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19. Dari jumlah tersebut ada juga pekerja asing. Mereka merupakan bagian dari PT.Hyundai Engineering Construction yang berbasis di Korea Selatan.

Patut menjadi keprihatinan karena banyak mereka yang terinfeksi Covid-19 adalah pekerja kontrak warga lokal dari desa sekitar proyek. Informasi dari Satgas Covid-19 Provinsi Jawa Barat status Kab. Cirebon merupakan zona merah. Dengan adanya terkonfirmasi Covid-19 di proyek PLTU Cirebon 2 dan PLTU Cirebon 1 yang telah beroperasi maka menambah kluster baru di Kab.Cirebon.

Berdasarkan informasi dari warga Desa Kanci Kulon, sudah ada warga dari kelompok rentan yang dirawat di rumah sakit karena terinfeksi Covid-19. Menurut mereka besar dugaan penyebarannya berasal dari warga desa yang bekerja di proyek PLTU Cirebon 2.

Ketua Rakyat Penyelamat Lingkungan ( RAPEL ), Moh. Aan Anwarudin ikut menyoroti kejadian tersebut. “ Sebenarnya sudah jauh-jauh hari kami mengingatkan, sejak pandemic Covid-19 mulai merebak di Indonesia. Untuk Kab. Cirebon patut diwaspadai penyebarannya berasal dari pekerja asing yang bekerja di proyek PLTU, “ Kata Aan menegaskan. Dia menambahkan seharusnya Bupati juga mengambil tindakan tegas karena banyaknya penularan Covid di kalangan pekerja PLTU .

Di sisi lain Kepala Departemen Lingkungan Hidup PC GP Ansor Kab.Cirebon, Riki Sonia, juga memberikan sikap dan pernyataan serupa. Menurutnya penyebaran virus Corona di proyek PLTU Cirebon jangan dianggap enteng. PLTU telah menjadi kluster baru. Oleh karena itu kegiatan proyek harus dihentikan. “Bupati harus bertindak tegas, karena ini persoalan serius. Jangan tebang pilih. Yang lain berani ditutup, seperti fasilitas kesehatan dan pendidikan, sedang PLTU yang jelas-jelas menjadi kluster tambahan Bupati seolah tutup mata, “ kata Riki menjelaskan.

Sementara Manajer Advokasi dan Kampanye WALHI Jawa Barat, Wahyudin, mengatakan pihak PT.CEPR selaku pemrakarsa proyek harus ikut bertanggung jawab. Bukan menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada perusahaan konstruksi terkait informasi jumlah pekerja yang tertular Covid-19.

Oleh karena itu secara khusus GP Ansor Kab.Cirebon ,RAPEL dan WALHI Jawa Barat merasa prihatin serta mendesak :

  1. Pihak PT.CEPR dan PT. Hyundai Engineering Construction menghentikan aktivitas proyek pembangunan konstruksi PLTU batu bara Cirebon 2 untuk keselamatan para pekerja dan warga desa di sekitar proyek.
  2. Bupati segera menginstruksikan penghentian proyek pembangunan PLTU Cirebon 2 untuk menekan penyebaran Covid-19 demi keselamatan rakyat.

GP Ansor Kab.Cirebon ,RAPEL dan WALHI Jawa Barat kembali menyerukan kepada semua pihak agar lebih mengutamakan faktor keselamatan rakyat. Proyek PLTU batu bara di Cirebon bukanlah segalanya. Jaminan masa depan kehidupan rakyat dan lingkungan yang baik serta sehat mutlak didahulukan dibanding kepentingan ekonomi.

Narahubung :
Wahyudin ( 0813-9536-7383 )
Riki Sonia ( 0838-7819-3737 )

Stop Cirebon 2 coal plant project for people safety from Covid-19

BANDUNG. The Cirebon 2 Coal-fired Power Plant (CPP) project continues although most of the workers are infected by the Corona Virus or Covid-19. Instead of feeling concerned, PT. Cirebon Energi Prasarana (CEPR) as the project pioneer is grateful of the ongoing project development that runs smoothly.

As it has been said in the media and public, 69 workers of Cirebon 2 CPP has been confirmed to be positive of Covid-19. Some of the infected workers are foreign workers. These workers are a part of the PT. Hyundai Engineering Construction which is based in South Korea.

This should be of concern due to the massive amount of Covid-19 infected workers are local contract workers from the villages surrounding the project. According to the information of the Covid-19 Task Force of West Java Province, Cirebon regency is categorized as a red zone. A new cluster within  Cirebon is accrued with the confirmation of Covid-19 infection in Cirebon 2 CPP and Cirebon 1 CPP that has started to operate.

According to the information from the people of Kanci Kulon Village, there are people from the vulnerable groups that has been treated in the hospital due to Covid-19 infection. According to them, it is most likely that the infection started from their people who work at the Cirebon 2 CPP project.

Leader of local organisation called Environment Savior People ( Rakyat Penyelamat Lingkungan/RAPEL ) Moh. Aan Anwarudin also highlighted the incident. “Actually, we have warned them long before Covid-19 pandemic took over Indonesia. For Cirebon Regency, we must be cautious for infection coming from  foreign workers who work on the steam power plant project,” Said Aan. He added that the Regent of Cirebon must take firm action due to the increasing amount of infections among the workers of the steam power plants.

On the other side, the head of  Cirebon Ansor  Department of Environment, Riki Sonia, also gave a similar statement. According to him, the spread of the corona virus in Cirebon’s  steam power plants must be taken seriously. Steam power plants has created a new cluster. Therefore the project must be stopped. “The regent has to take firm action, because this is a serious matter. Don’t be selective. The regent seems to ignore how the steam power plants has turned into a new cluster. When at the same time he dared to close health and education facilities, “ explained Riki.

Meanwhile the West Java WALHI Campaigner, Wahyudin, said that PT.CEPR as the project initiator must be held accountable. They should not give the responsibility away to the construction company when it comes to the amount of Covid-19 infected workers.

Therefore, Cirebon Regency GP Ansor, RAPEL, and WALHI West Java is concerned and requests for:

  1. PT. CEPR and PT. Hyundai Engineering Construction to stop the development and construction activities of Cirebon 2 CPP for the safety of the workers and villagers surrounding the project.
  • The Regent to immediately order the discontinuation of Cirebon 2 CPP project to stop the spread of Covid-19 for the sake of public safety.

Cirebon Regency GP Ansor, RAPEL, and WALHI West Java asks for every side to favour the safety of the people. Coal-fired steam power plants in Cirebon are not everything. The assurance of a good and healthy lives for the people and the environment  must be put first before economic interests.

Contact Persons:

Wahyudin ( 0813-9536-7383 )

Riki Sonia ( 0838-7819-3737 )